2022 Lenten Season
Lent Advertising - Spring 2022 As my supervisor at the time described it, Lent on Notre Dame campus is like the super bowl for those who work in faith services. As such, a huge campaign was crafted to advertising all the events involved under the theme of Trekking Through the Mess. This was to identify the connection of Christ's suffering with an individuals suffering. To put it plain and simply, I was tasked to design for a campaign that was about feeling the messiness of ones heart. For this, I used a multitude of charcoal and graphite illustration, vector illustration, and strong exploration of typography. As the semester went on, images of muddiness and dust turned to refined imagery of faith and love (in theme with the resurrection). Below are a multitude of social media slides, table tent designs, and more that were posted/printed throughout the Lenten season. While the word mark was designed by my supervisor, all of the illustrative material and other designs were mine.