FEED Cover
VCD2: Typography Book cover design - Spring 2021 Feed is a book by M.T. Anderson that follows the story of a boy named Titus as he traverses dystopian future rampant with consumerism, facism, pollution, and teenage apathy. In this project, I aimed to redesign the cover of the book in order to entice the readers with a morbid curiosity. In the content of the book, practically everyone owns this device known as the Feed. The Feed is a microchip that is implanted in the brain that allows people to access the world wide web and consume an endless amount of media. Seeing that the Feed served as an over to the consumer's sight, I found it appropriate in the cover to feature the very eyes that are doing the consuming with a glitched standby texture to allude to later tragedy. These eyes peer out of the hazzy textured darkness to show an indeterminate and unknown amount of individuals effected, removing their humanity and reducing them to pure massification. As for the type, a think sans serif is used with a vertical descending motif for a few different reasons. Firstly, it harkens back to the ideas of futurism and modernism that the plot takes place in. Secondly, it hints to the clinical and uncanny nature of the world; it's as though the book is being subtly controlled by a machine from the start.